Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tiger ousted by Clark in 2nd round of Match Play

Better Luck Next Time

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Golf Shafts: Steel vs Graphite??

Q: This is about shaft selection, graphite - vs - steel. Is it true you lose distance with graphite? Also will increasing the stiffness of graphite help?

A: Jim,

I do not believe you will loose distance with graphite. One of the advantages of graphite is its weight, most of the time, being lighter than steel. Lighter things can swing faster. If anything, graphite, most likely, will make a player hit the ball further not shorter than steel.

The driver is the only club where a player is trying to maximize distance. With every other club, a player is trying to hit a consistent distance. In other words, a player does not want to hit a six iron longer than its prescribed distance and over the target. You will see graphite in almost all drivers but not dominate in the irons. Steel gives the player a different "feel" than graphite and is preferred by some players for the irons because distance is not the primary issue.

If a shaft flex is too soft, it can cost you speed and, more importantly, consistency. This is true regardless of the steel or graphite.

Check out answers from the pro's

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

'The Golf Blog' has an interesting take on Tiger's Return

The Golf Blog put up an interesting bit about who should really be happy about Tiger's return...

Who is the happiest person at Tiger Woods's return to the PGA Tour? You guessed it, it's PGA Commissioner Tim Finchem. In Tiger's absence, the PGA Tour has suffered abysmal TV ratings, lost sponsors, and is less popular than maybe bowling in these tough economic times.

Here is the rest of the post

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mickelson goes Back to Back at Riveria

If you started watching todays round when Phil Mickelson finished the 15th hole you would have thought he was coming from behind to steal the tournament away. Too bad he had a four-shot lead going into the final round.

However, what he did on the last three holes was nothing short of fantastic. Phil Mickelson with a two-shot deficit fires a 9-iron 155 yards and sticks it 5 feet away. After sinking his birdie putt, Phil launches his longest drive of the day on the par-5 17 allowing him to reach the green in two and two-putting for birdie. Finally, on 18 Lefty sinks his 6 foot par putt to clinch the win. This was the same hole Phil had a disastrous bogey three years ago to lose the tournament and could have given him three victories in a row.

A win is a win, and Mickelson showed today he has the nerve and confidence to hit the shots when they are needed. I expect to see a lot more of this this season. It will definitely be needed now that the king himself, Tiger Woods, has declared his return.

Enjoy the win, Phil. You earned it today.

How to Survive and Island Green

It can be one of the most intimidating holes on the course. Here is how you can attack it with confidence.

By Fred Griffen
GOLF MAGAZINE Top 100 Teacher
Published: August 01, 2006

Your goal on an island green is always to make a par. Even the best players in the world don't try to birdie these holes. The risk is too great. Study the green and determine exactly where you can safely miss if you don't hit a perfect shot. On the island green fifth hole at Grand Cypress, the front and left sides of the green are simply tongues of turf protruding into the water—these areas are never your target. Instead, the right side and back of the green, which are both protected by bunkers, should serve as your bailout areas.

For a left-side pin placement, aim for the right half of the green—a good shot will leave you with a makeable two-putt, a miss left will put you closer to the hole, and a miss right will put you in the bunker. For a front pin placement, aim for the center of the green and take enough club to put your ball on the back two-thirds of the green—at Grand Cypress this are a is 15 yards wider than the front.


If the wind is in your face, take at least one extra club. If the wind is at your back, stick with the club you've chosen for the distance For a left-to-right wind, play the shot several yards left of the target you've determined, and for a right-to-left wind, do the opposite. But never, ever aim at the water.

After you determine exactly where you want to aim and where you can miss, take enough club and commit to the shot. By narrowing your focus to the safe spots on the green, you prevent your mind from being overwhelmed by the potential danger. In effect, you've created an island green within the island green.

Happy Birthday Vijay Singh

Happy 45th Birthday Mr. Vijay Singh!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back on the Prowl...

Tiger Woods announces his return to PGA golf. What to expect? Even Tiger doesnt know...

"I'm as curious as you," Woods said Friday during a conference call. "The feeling of adrenaline, the rush of competing and playing again, all that I haven't done in a while."

Click here for the rest of the article from

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vijay Singh Will Continue To Wear Stanford Financial Logos

The financial mess is even creeping its way into the golfing world.

Full article here on CNBC

The key to lower golf scores may not be as exciting as you think

So its great to watch the pro's fire for the pin and stick them close...but honestly how many times do you fire for the pin, put it close and sink that birdie putt? If often, then i assume you are on the PGA tour and just reading this blog for fun because you want to see what amatures are up to?? Probably not...

A great article I just read talked about how firing for the pin may not be the best strategy...

Most golfers aim at pins far too often, placing too much risk in their games and not enough reward.

Firing for the center of the green may not be exciting, but shooting a few strokes less than the last round is fun. Think long term and stop trying to be Tiger Woods on the course. If you want to shave strokes off your round...check out the rest of this article that talks about how to aim for the pin.

Who said two-putting for par was boring?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tiger Woods Golf Ball Bouncing Commercial

Even years later its still fun to watch....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drive for Show, Putt for Dough

It doesn't matter how good you can hit your driver if you cant go up and down around the green.

Be sure not to neglect your short game practice. Even though crushing the driver on the range is a lot more fulfilling, if you want to break 100, 90, or 80 it will always come down to your chipping and putting.

Next time you are out practicing try and spend an extra 10 minutes just working on your 3-5ft putts. You'll be surprised how just being confident on the green can help lower your score over time.

How much are your old golf clubs worth?

Many of us have that old set of clubs, or an extra driver or old putter we dont use anymore. Though some of our old clubs may be out of date, they can still be very useful to many beginners who are looking for some clubs to launch their golfing career. has put up a site to value your clubs and help you when trying to re-sell them. You can consider this almost to be like the Kelly Blue Book of Golf.

Take a look...that old driver or starter set may help you buy that new club you have been eying since last season!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Goosen takes the weekend lead...

Rarely can you find calm conditions at Pebble Beach, but today Retief Goosen takes advantage and fires a 64 to take the lead into the weekend. Goosen goes into the weekend 12 under with a two stroke lead over Dustin Johnson.

Rain and Wind are expected for the final round on was the day to fire for the pin.

Click Here for the latest AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am Golf Leaderboard and Result from ESPN

Tiger becomes Daddy....again

#2 was born on Sunday. Tiger now has a little son along with big sister Sam. Probably too early to speculate on who will be the better golfer...if they decide to follow Dad's profession.

Here is the full article

Still no idea when to expect Tiger back on the tour...Any guesses?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Planning one putt ahead to lower your score... had a great article today regarding the importance of lagging up on your putts and where you want to leave yourself in case of a miss.

The experienced players hold a very clear picture of not only wanting to make the putt they have, but also the ability to remain prudent in their attempt. Ask yourself the question..."If I miss, where do I want to be?" The answer should most definitely be...within tap-in range.

Read the whole thing here


Welcome to my first blog! I hope to use this blog to share with you information about the golfing world from latest tips to lower your score, reviews on golf courses, the latest products and equipments, plus much more.

I recently have moved to Houston, TX from Denver and hope to get out and discover the local golfing world Houston has to offer. I will be sure to share my experiences with all of you.

Please come back often! Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!