Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vail Golf Club, Vail, CO

Vail Golf Club is located in Vail, CO right along side of Interstate 70. Which brings me to my problem.

This course is squeezed between the mountains and the interstate. It plays 9-holes out...then you turn around and play 9-holes back to the club house. Its almost like one big lap. And for a mountain course, it is pretty flat (again, because its squeezed against the interstate and the foot of the mountains).

Now dont get me wrong, the course itself is fine. But honestly, whoever built this had very little room to work with and just managed to get the course in there. This definitely doesnt play like a muontain course you would expect with rolling hills, big elevation changes, etc. Also, it plays pretty short from the tips. Which is pretty normal considering it is in the mountains and real estate is at a minimal to make a course.

All in all...if you are in vail and looking to play golf, I would say go for it. Just dont expect to think you played an awesome course (Park City's was much better. This is generic at best.

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